(Quick Reference)

3 Configuration - Reference Documentation

Authors: Burt Beckwith

Version: 0.1

3 Configuration

Much of the Dropwizard configuration is done in a YAML file. This includes the server and admin HTTP ports, logging options, database settings, etc. This can still be done when using this plugin, but it's best to leverage what is already available in Grails where practical. This can include defining database connectivity in DataSource.groovy, but can also extend to using GORM or a NoSQL plugin for persistence, and other plugins and Grails features. For example, Dropwizard has support for Hibernate and Liquibase, but since these are trivial to use in Grails it makes more sense to use the Grails integrations.

Application classes

In a typical Dropwizard application, you define a service class that extends com.yammer.dropwizard.Service which has a main method, and this is the entry point to the application. It configures other helper classes including resources (REST endpoints), health checks, tasks, etc. Using the plugin, much of this is done for you but you can customize most options.

There are three ways to register application classes. The easiest is to use the typical Grails convention-over-configuration approach, and create Groovy classes in grails-app/dropwizard. These can include resource classes, which must have a class name ending in "DropwizardResource", health check classes ending in "HealthCheck", and task classes ending in "DropwizardTask". These classes must all have default no-arg constructors and must be written in Groovy.

For more flexibility, you can register classes as Spring beans in grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy. Then enable the appropriate "autoRegister" property as described below to have the plugin find them and register them in Dropwizard for you. For even more flexibility, you can define a Closure in Config.groovy under the grails.plugin.dropwizard.initializer key that can do additional customization.


See the Dropwizard documentation for the supported syntax for the configuration file, but you can use this as a template to get started (remove the # characters to uncomment lines):

   port: 8080

# adminPort: 8081

# 2-1000000 # maxThreads: 1024

# 1-1000000 # minThreads: 8

# rootPath: /*

# one of blocking, legacy, legacy+ssl, nonblocking, nonblocking+ssl # connectorType: blocking

# maxIdleTime: 200s

# 1-128 # acceptorThreads: 1

# -Thread.NORM_PRIORITY-Thread.NORM_PRIORITY) # acceptorThreadPriorityOffset: 0

# min -1 # acceptQueueSize: -1

# min 1 # maxBufferCount: 1024

# requestBufferSize: 16KB # requestHeaderBufferSize: 6KB # responseBufferSize: 32KB # responseHeaderBufferSize: 6KB

# reuseAddress: true # soLingerTime: null # lowResourcesConnectionThreshold: 0 # lowResourcesMaxIdleTime: 0s # shutdownGracePeriod: 2s # useServerHeader: false # useDateHeader: true # useForwardedHeaders: true # useDirectBuffers: true # bindHost: null # adminUsername: null # adminPassword: null

# requestLog: # console: # enabled: true # threshold: Level.ALL # timeZone: UTC # logFormat: null # file: # enabled: false # threshold: Level.ALL # currentLogFilename: null # archive: true # archivedLogFilenamePattern: null # # 1-50 # archivedFileCount: 5 # timeZone: UTC # logFormat: null # # syslog # enabled: false # threshold: Level.ALL # host: localhost # # auth, authpriv, daemon, cron, ftp, lpr, kern, mail, news, syslog, user, uucp, local0, local1, local2, local3, local4, local5, local6, local7 # facility: local0 # timeZone: UTC # logFormat: null

# timeZone: UTC

# gzip: # enabled: true # minimumEntitySize: 256B # bufferSize: 8KB # excludedUserAgents: ImmutableSet<String> # compressedMimeTypes: ImmutableSet<String>

# ssl: # keyStore: /path/to/file # keyStorePassword: null # keyManagerPassword: null # keyStoreType: JKS # trustStore: /path/to/file # trustStorePassword # trustStoreType: "JKS" # needClientAuth: true/false # wantClientAuth: true/false # certAlias: null # allowRenegotiate: true/false # crlPath: /path/to/file # crldpEnabled: true/false # ocspEnabled: true/false # maxCertPathLength: # ocspResponderUrl: # jceProvider: # validatePeers # supportedProtocols: # - SSLv3 # - TLSv1 # - TLSv1.1 # - TLSv1.2

# contextParameters: # ImmutableMap<String, String>


There are a few configuration options for the plugin that are defined in Config.groovy:

grails.plugin.dropwizard. bannernone; look for a file named banner.txt in the classpaththe string to display as the startup banner
grails.plugin.dropwizard. dropwizardContext"dropwizard"the string to display as the startup banner
grails.plugin.dropwizard. autoRegisterResourcesfalsewhether to discover all resource classes registered as Spring beans (i.e. those with a javax.ws.rs.Path annotation)
grails.plugin.dropwizard. autoRegisterHealthChecksfalsewhether to discover all health check classes registered as Spring beans (i.e. those that extend com.yammer.metrics.core.HealthCheck )
grails.plugin.dropwizard. autoRegisterManagedfalsewhether to discover all managed classes registered as Spring beans (i.e. those that implement com.yammer.dropwizard.lifecycle.Managed )
grails.plugin.dropwizard. autoRegisterLifeCyclefalsewhether to discover all lifecycle classes registered as Spring beans (i.e. those that implement org.eclipse.jetty.util.component.LifeCycle )
grails.plugin.dropwizard. autoRegisterAnnotatedProvidersfalsewhether to discover all provider classes registered as Spring beans (i.e. those with a javax.ws.rs.ext.Provider annotation)
grails.plugin.dropwizard. autoRegisterInjectableProvidersfalsewhether to discover all injectable provider classes registered as Spring beans (i.e. those that implement com.sun.jersey.spi.inject.InjectableProvider )
grails.plugin.dropwizard. autoRegisterTasksfalsewhether to discover all task classes registered as Spring beans (i.e. those that extend com.yammer.dropwizard.tasks.Task )
grails.plugin.dropwizard. yamlPath"classpath:dropwizard.yml"the location of the YAML configuration file; must use Spring resource syntax
grails.plugin.dropwizard. assetsnonea List of Lists defining asset paths to register as AssetsBundles; each list can contain one, two or three elements. If there is one element it is the resource path (relative to the classpath) and the uri pattern. If there are two elements, the first is the resource path and the second is the uri pattern. If there are three elements, the first is the resource path, the second is the uri pattern, and the third is the directory index file name (to override the default value 'index.htm')
grails.plugin.dropwizard. serviceClassName"grails.plugin.dropwizard.GrailsService"the name of the service class that configures the application; must have a constructor that takes a Spring ApplicationContext and a File pointing at the YAML configuration file
grails.plugin.dropwizard. initializernoneoptional closure that can do additional configuration; the arguments will be com.yammer.dropwizard.config.Bootstrap, com.yammer.dropwizard.config.Environment, grails.plugin.dropwizard.config.GrailsConfiguration, and @org.codehaus.groovy.grails.commons.GrailsApplication