(Quick Reference)

1 Introduction to the Dropwizard Plugin - Reference Documentation

Authors: Burt Beckwith

Version: 0.1

Table of Contents

1 Introduction to the Dropwizard Plugin

The Dropwizard plugin integrates Dropwizard with Grails to make it easy to create REST services using the Dropwizard approach while still using Grails features.

Dropwizard is very opinionated, so several framework and library choices are fixed and cannot be changed:

  • you must use the Jetty server, Tomcat isn't an option
  • Jackson
  • Jersey
  • Logback (this plugin depends on the Grails logback plugin to provide this)

In addition, the plugin enables the use of Freemarker and Mustache templates for response rendering, although this is optional and you can continue to use Dropwizard's JSON support, or other text-based syntaxes such as XML

Note that since Dropwizard requires Jetty and the current version of Jetty in the Grails Jetty plugin is too old, you should remove any server plugin (i.e. "tomcat") from BuildConfig.groovy. Use the plugin's run-dropwizard script to start your application.

1.1 History


  • March 5, 2013
    • initial 0.1 release