(Quick Reference)

2 Configuration - Reference Documentation

Authors: Burt Beckwith

Version: 1.0.0

2 Configuration

P6Spy works by intercepting JDBC calls to log the executed SQL and parameters. There are multiple ways to configure this; by default the plugin will update the JDBC URL and driver class name for you, and the P6Spy driver will intercept calls and re-route them to the real driver. This is not possible if you use a JNDI data source, so in that case or if the configuration is more complex you can manually configure the DataSource.

If you cannot or don't want to use the auto-configuration feature, the first thing you need to do is change the driverClassName property in DataSource.groovy (or in the JNDI configuration) for any environments that you want to use the plugin in. Change it to com.p6spy.engine.spy.P6SpyDriver, e.g.

dataSource {
   driverClassName = 'com.p6spy.engine.spy.P6SpyDriver'

Having done this, you need to tell P6Spy what the real driver is. You do not create a spy.properties file like you usually do when working with P6Spy - instead you store settings in Config.groovy. This is more convenient since the plugin has many default values already set, so you only need to set the values that are required (currently just "realdriver" and only if you're not using auto-configuration) and any overrides or other values that don't have defaults set. In addition you can also externalize properties and take advantage of other features of setting properties in Config.groovy. If you're using MySQL you would specify the real driver class as

grails.plugin.p6spy.config.realdriver = 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver'

and if you're using a different database change the value to the appropriate driver class.

The following table summarizes the various configuration options. Options that start with "config" are passed through to P6Spy, and those starting with "gsp" and "updateDataSource" are plugin-specific.

All must be set if Config.groovy or an external config file, and must include the grails.plugin.p6spy. prefix, e.g.

grails.plugin.p6spy.config.jmx = false

See the P6Spy documentation for more information about the available P6Spy options.

config.appender'grails.plugin.p6spy.ui. MemoryLogger'class name of the appender to use
config.autoflushtruewhether to flush per statement
config.databaseDialectDateFormat'dd-MMM-yy'SimpleDateFormat format used for logging of PreparedStatement date/time values
config.dateformat none SimpleDateFormat format used for logging of the query time (if not set, millseconds since epoch is logged)
config.driverlist none comma-separated list of JDBC drivers to load and register
config.exclude none if filter is true, a comma-separated list of strings used to define the include/exclude filter rule
config.excludecategories'batch, debug, info, result, resultset'comma-separated list of category names to exclude
config.executionthreshold'0'if set, only statements that have taken longer than the time specified (in milliseconds) will be logged
config.filterfalseif true, filter what is logged
config.include none if filter is true, a comma-separated list of strings used to define include/exclude filter rule
config.jmxtruewhether to expose options via JMX
config.jmxPrefix none if jmx is true, the prefix used for the naming pattern
config.jndicontextcustom none JNDI config setting if using external JNDI
config.jndicontextfactory none JNDI config setting if using external JNDI
config.jndicontextproviderurl none JNDI config setting if using external JNDI
config.modulelist'com.p6spy.engine.spy. P6SpyFactory, com.p6spy.engine.logging. P6LogFactory'comma-separated list of names of module classes which should be active
config.outagedetectionfalseif true, detects long-running statements that may indicate a database outage and logs statements that exceed outagedetectioninterval seconds; when enabled, only long-running statements are logged
config.outagedetectioninterval'30'threshold (in seconds) for outage detection
config.realdatasource none if not using auto-update, the real JNDI name
config.realdatasourceclass none if not using auto-update, the name of the real DataSource class
config.realdatasourceproperties none if not using auto-update, optional DataSource url properties
config.sqlexpression none if filter is true, a regex defining filter rule for SQL statements
config.stacktracefalseif true, log a stack trace for every statement logged
config.stacktraceclass none if stacktrace is true, a class name which must be present in the stacktrace for the stacktrace to be logged
gsp.layoutAdmin'main'the layout to use for admin.gsp
gsp.layoutIndex'p6spy-ui'the layout to use for index.gsp
updateDataSource.autoUpdatetrueif true, update the DataSource URL to include "p6spy:" to trigger P6Spy's auto-update feature
updateDataSource.driverClassNameProperty'driverClassName'if autoUpdate is true, the name of the DataSource driver class name property
updateDataSource.urlProperty'url'if autoUpdate is true, the name of the DataSource 'url' property