(Quick Reference)

1 Introduction to the P6Spy UI Plugin - Reference Documentation

Authors: Burt Beckwith

Version: 1.0.0

1 Introduction to the P6Spy UI Plugin

The P6Spy UI plugin uses the P6Spy library to intercept JDBC calls and display them in a web page. One benefit of P6Spy is that it will display the SQL that was actually run with SQL ? placeholders but also the SQL with the actual values.

{info} Note that the plugin does not require the use of the Grails p6spy plugin and is actually incompatible with it. If you are currently using it, migrate your settings from spy.properties to Config.groovy as described in the configuration section and uninstall it. {info}

The plugin includes with a controller and a GSP that will display the executed SQL in a DataTable, and also graphs in a second tab. Once the plugin is installed navigate to http://localhost:8080/appname/p6spy to view the queries and graphs, or http://localhost:8080/appname/p6spy/admin for a basic page displaying configuration settings.

Release history

  • 1/04/2016 1.0.0 release
  • 11/11/2012 Initial 0.1 release